Haringey Council vote to demolish two Broadwater Farm tower blocks due to safety risks

Earlier this month it was reported that two tower blocks in Broadwater Farm had been found at risk of catastrophic collapse if a gas explosion was to occur, following structural tests made after the Grenfell Tower disaster last year.

New Civil Engineer has reported ‘In total, structural engineers from consultant Ridge discovered flaws in 11 out of 12 tower blocks on the Tottenham estate…

‘Further stress tests have revealed the two towers could suffer a partial collapse – similar to the fate of Ronan Point in 1968 – if a gas explosion occurred.’

Part of Broadwater Farm estate

300 people are currently living in the effected blocks Tangmere (six storeys) and Northolt (18 storeys). Last night Haringey Council unanimously voted that their preference is to demolish the two blocks and has agreed to rehouse all of the residents by October.

They ‘estimated that it would cost around £28million to strengthen the two buildings, while the overall cost of rebuilding the homes could be in the range of £17million to £29million.’

A 28 day consultation will now take place with residents to help decide whether to go ahead with the proposed demolition of the blocks or strengthen them instead.

For a long while, a large number of people in Haringey have been campaigning heavily to protect council blocks from demolition across the borough as part of the proposed HDV. In light of this, the new council’s vote for demolition will no doubt be extremely upsetting and concerning to both the residents of Broadwater Farm and people across the Tottenham community.


(Feature image: view of Broadwater Farm from Lordship Recreation Ground)

3 thoughts on “Haringey Council vote to demolish two Broadwater Farm tower blocks due to safety risks

  1. I have looked at the webcams of meetings and can find no vote by councillors to demolish blocks. When did this take place? How many councillors voted to demolish and how many voted against?
    Please include links to this vote.
    Thanks Mike

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